Veterinary Services

Cat Surgical Care

At Cats Preferred Veterinary Hospital, we understand that your cat is not just a pet; they are a cherished member of your family. We specialize in providing advanced surgical care for cats, ensuring their well-being and your peace of mind.

cat sitting on the bed

Comprehensive Cat Surgical Care

Our services encompass a range of procedures, including spays, neuters, soft tissue surgery (such as bladder surgery), foreign body and intestinal surgery, and mass removals. We also offer specialized orthopedic surgery by a Board Certified Surgeon.

Safety and comfort are paramount to us. We utilize gas general anesthesia for most procedures, ensuring a swift recovery, often on the same day. Some orthopedic and major abdominal surgeries may require overnight stays for adequate rest. Throughout surgery, your cat stays cozy with a conductive fabric warming system while surgical monitors track vital signs. A certified veterinary technician closely monitors anesthesia and recovery, and post-surgery, your cat recuperates in a warmed cage.

Upon discharge, our veterinary team provides detailed information on the surgery, recovery expectations, and any necessary restrictions. You’ll receive a comprehensive discharge information sheet with instructions for medications and care at home. Your cat’s well-being is our priority at Cats Preferred.

Why Choose Cats Preferred for Your Cat’s Surgical Needs?

Cats Preferred Veterinary Hospital stands head and shoulders above the rest when entrusting your beloved feline companion’s surgical care. Here are compelling reasons why we should be your preferred choice:

Experienced, Compassionate Team

Our team of veterinary professionals is not only highly skilled but deeply compassionate. We understand the unique bond you share with your cat, and we treat every patient as if they were our own. Your cat will receive the utmost care and attention throughout their surgical journey.

Advanced Surgical Facilities

At Cats Preferred Veterinary Hospital, we have invested in advanced surgical facilities and equipment. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of veterinary medicine ensures that your cat receives the highest standard of care available in Plymouth, MN.

Certified Veterinary Technician Supervision

Your cat’s well-being is our top priority. A certified veterinary technician will be by your cat’s side throughout the surgical process, monitoring their vital signs and ensuring a smooth and uneventful recovery.

Specialized Orthopedic Options Available

When it comes to orthopedic surgery, Cats Preferred goes above and beyond. We provide access to Board Certified Surgeons who are experts in orthopedic procedures. Whether it’s a complex joint issue or a fracture, your cat will receive specialized care that maximizes their chances of a full recovery.